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Get Your Home (and Mind) in Order for the Holidays

The Holidays are a full season of enjoying lights, age old traditions, gatherings, putting out decorations, gift giving and great food. There unfortunately is another side to the holidays - feeling that there is not enough time for all that the schedule holds and loneliness for others.

So how can we bring meaning and order to our hearts and homes this season? Well, for everyone this will look different. This is a great time to reflect on what is "life-giving" to you (spending time with family, spiritual rituals, baking family recipes, decorating a space in where you live). And make a priority to make some of these things happen.

Setting boundaries are important during this time of year. Just like clutter can take over our homes, it can take over the calendar too :) It's not realistic to attend every event and do every activity offered. Think about how you want to end the holiday season (exhausted or refreshed). If we want to feel refreshed that means that we will have to say no to some good things.

Holidays can also bring about grief and loneliness. Maybe this is the first holiday season without a loved one or a pet or maybe we recently lost a job or went through a major health crisis. It is important to be attentive and kind to ourselves if we are going through a hard time emotionally. It is actually very common. If you or someone you know is grieving or feeling lonely during the holidays, here are some ideas that may help:

- Talk about it - call or text someone or write in a journal about what you are going through (what you miss about your loved one) - it may feel awkward at first, but it helps.

- Do an act of service - helping someone else as been known to help

- Talk a walk - simply walking outside helps during the grief process

During the holidays more things may enter your home. Tips to maintain the "STUFF"

- This is a great time before and after to look around to see if you have 25 things you can donate to charity.

- Try to give and ask for "experiences" instead of gifts - for example - tickets to the movies, a zoo membership for the family, or escape room.

- As you take out your decorations, throw out any broken ones, donate any ones that are not being used.

- Make an area for all gift wrapping supplies

Here's Wishing You a rejuvenating Holiday Season from the Team at Control The Chaos Organizing!

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